Friday, April 2, 2010

napowrimo - april 2

My Problem

Is a poem I have to write
about RWP, not the Site
but only the letters RWP
and whatever that can be -

Regular White Paper might do
or Rain Water Pipe, too,
but Random Weird Person
is certainly the intriguing one

if t’were a thing possible to know
but of course that's not so
what‘s weird after all these days
and random is really how it plays.

Is Mr. Bean an RWP,
or me?


  1. what‘s weird after all these days
    and random is really how it plays.

    so true

    Playful poem. There are lots of word to attach to RWP.

  2. this is me *grinning*

  3. thanks for sharing this....I enjoyed it

  4. Thank you for your comments, everyone. Somehow -this was a very difficult poem to write. It just didn't want to pull itself together.
